
For more than 12 years, Al Syed Group of Companies has been a key player in changing how agricultural products are exported in East Africa. Our focus on top-notch quality, helping local communities, and using sustainable methods has made a big impact. This has not only helped Africa do better in global markets but has also improved the country’s financial reserves and helped with economic growth. 

12 Year Total Exports 

We started with 10 tons per year twelve years ago and have gradually increased our exports to 3000 tons annual by 2024. This progressive growth highlights our impact on the East African export market, demonstrating our commitment to consistent quality and reliability.

Exported Product Portfolio 

Our diverse portfolio includes key agricultural products – avocados, pineapples, bananas, passion fruits, mangoes, and an assortment of dry products like pulses and grains. Altogether, we’ve successfully exported over 20 different items, meeting global standards and consumer demands effectively. 

Export Destinations 

Our export network extends to various regions, with notable exports to Europe and the Middle East. Beyond these established markets, we proudly export to 13 countries, including countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, Bahrain, Turkey, Iran, India, Kuwait, and several GCC countries. This diverse reach reflects our commitment to delivering quality products to a wide range of international markets. 

Uganda Factory Unit 

At the heart of our operations lies our processing unit in Uganda - a state-of-the-art facility responsible for the cleaning, grading, packing, and processing of our exports. This unit is equipped with advanced machinery and follows strict quality control measures to ensure that our products meet international standards. 

Air and Sea Shipments 

Our export operations focus on efficiency. Currently, we send 300+ air shipments and 100+ sea shipments annual, ensuring timely deliveries and maintaining product freshness. To enhance our services, we partner with Maersk, the top global shipping line. By year-end, our goal is to double these numbers, improving our shipping capacity to meet growing demands effectively.  

Employment Statistics 

Our workforce has grown along with our operations. We have provided jobs to over 200 direct employees. Upholding equal opportunities, we proudly run the "Super abled with Al Syed" program, welcoming individuals with disabilities to excel in our team. To support continuous learning and development, we conduct regular training sessions every month for all employees, enabling them to enhance their skills and grow within the company. 

Export Department Training 

Investing in our people has always been a priority. We conduct regular training and development programs for our employees, focusing on operational excellence, quality control, and customer service to ensure that our team remains at the forefront of the industry. 

Export Growth Impact 

The surge in our export volumes has directly impacted the local economies in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania. By engaging local farmers and investing in community development, we've contributed to increasing local incomes, enhancing agricultural practices, and elevating overall economic standards. 

Export Sustainability Initiatives 

Sustainability is a core pillar of our operations. We've adopted eco-friendly packaging, implemented water conservation techniques, and engaged in soil preservation methods. These initiatives not only reduce the environmental impact but also ensure a sustainable supply chain. 

Future Expansion Strategies 

Looking ahead, our goal is to double our export volumes by 2025, marking a significant growth phase. By next year, we plan to expand our market presence to over 100 countries, including key markets like the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. To achieve this, we will enter new Asian markets, establish partnerships, analyze markets comprehensively, and broaden our product range to meet the changing demands of customers worldwide. 

Local Business Collaboration 

Our approach to business is inherently collaborative. We work closely with local suppliers, small-scale farmers, and businesses to ensure a cohesive supply chain. These partnerships have been instrumental in ensuring the sustainability and growth of our operations. 

Export Efficiency Tech 

Technological innovation is central to our operations. From advanced sorting machinery to block chain for secure and transparent transactions, we’ve integrated modern technologies to enhance efficiency, traceability, and quality in our export processes. 

Export Regulatory Compliance 

Adherence to international standards and local regulations is non-negotiable. We ensure that all our products, processes, and operations comply with global food safety standards, export regulations, and ethical trading practices, thereby maintaining our reputation and trust among our consumers and partners. 

Global Trade Partnerships 

To enhance our market presence and keep up with global trade trends, we have teamed up with various international trade organizations. These partnerships offer us valuable insights, market updates, and regulatory guidance, making it easier to enter new markets and comply with regulations. Additionally, we are collaborating with chambers of commerce, food ministries of various nations, as well as organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and others dedicated to country development. These partnerships are instrumental in our goal to expand globally and make positive contributions to the communities we engage with. 


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